Devlog 2024-11-04

This is a regularly-occurring status update. More generally-relevant posts can be found under Features (see Creating a Game and Engine from Scratch for context).

This is the beginning of week 3.

What I have done

  • I have been working on a build system so that I can build code and assets the way that I want to. A dedicated post about it is here.
    • It is possible to define different platforms and configurations (e.g. debug or optimized)
    • It is possible to define three kinds of tasks (C++, copy files, or arbitrary Lua functions)
    • The task dependencies are tracked, and they are only executed if necessary and in the correct order (only single-threaded, although it has been designed for multi-threaded execution)
    • For C++:
      • The installed Visual Studios and Windows SDKs are calculated, and the user can either request the latest by version number or request specific versions if desired
      • Standard library and platform library support can be enabled or disabled (and, when enabled, the appropriate #include paths are set)
      • It is possible to build console applications, windowed applications, shared libraries, or static libraries
      • Exceptions can be enabled or disabled

Next steps

  • It has now been two weeks that I have been working on the build system, and even though I have made good progress it feels like I really need to start working on actual game engine code. There are still obvious missing features in the build system but I think a good strategy now is to add them as they become necessary for the actual code I am working on rather than trying to add more preemptively.
  • One final thing that I think that I want to add is the ability to generate a Visual Studio solution that I can use to debug
    • I think it’s ok initially if I don’t create individual projects for named tasks and instead just have a single project to build the entire solution (it seems ok at least initially to manually find files and open them in the editor)
    • I do, however, want to be able to debug, and having some intellisense would also be nice, and so I might spend some time trying to get that done.
  • Another thing that I know I will want is to be able to set up precompiled header files
    • Being able to do this in a platform-independent way would be nice so that I don’t have to go back and redo it later, but it’s not critical
    • I may or may not add this before moving on to start work on code
  • The initial goal for a program would be to open a window that doesn’t do anything, and that is pretty achievable
  • The next goal would be to clear the color buffer to some hard-coded color
    • This would be quite easy using Direct3D 11, but using Direct3D 12 requires allocating some memory which will require some memory management work with the way I want to do things (rather than just using global new).

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